Wednesday, June 2, 2010

When did rude become cool?

There is a lot of repressed anger and hatred in the world. Have we become a society where the daily pace of making a living is so fast that general compassion doesn't feature anymore?

When did it become cool to be rude and arrogant?

Listening to the radio stations today, it dawned on me that it is generally the DJ's that are loud, crude and outright offensive that fill the big time slots. They seem to draw the audience's attention by putting people in akward situations on air. Is this the example we are setting for the kids - that you are respected when you are rude, offensive and bully others?

Just looking at the news on recent teenage behaviour, it appears that they get so much pleasure out of hurting and embarrassing others. Who made them think that is acceptable?

Teenagers hanging out in small groups intimidate me. Me. A 35 year old mum. A person who has had more life experience (considering giving birth on its own places me way in front!) than they can fit into their little finger. But they do. Those scowls and heckles, instead of a nice decent smile to greet you.

How I long for "The Waltons" days. They seem to have all the answers. Living without technology, but rather depending on each other. The days where kids enjoyed life but respected their elders. The days where your neighbour still mattered. The days where you would go out of your way to help someone else in need.

Good old solid values. What went wrong?

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