Monday, January 24, 2011

Romance vs Reality

I have just finished watching another romantic movie and believe I need to wean myself off this genre. I cannot help but break down when the couple find their long lost love and declare their lifelong devotion to each other. What is it about the adoration of a handsome man that make all women in the room crumble?

I think it's partly because we know it is just not true. The 'sweep you off your feet' or 'I'll cover oceans to follow you where you go' type of love only lasts the few years while you are dating.

All women marry the man of their dreams. The guy who makes you feel like you are the most beautiful girl in the world. And then reality sets in. Life happens. It is impossible for a male to continue courting his wife for a lifetime. Courting is after all a tough job. And with the responsibility of earning an income and looking after a family, one job is more than enough. It is much easier to settle into a longterm relationship that is so secure there is no longer a need to continue showering your wife with gifts and adoration.

Don't misunderstand me though. Most men love their wives and would truly lay down their lives for them. They just don't act like a love sick teenager or Casanova from the movies. It's just more a deep mateship than a tangible passion. But I think most women still dream of the prince who will sweep them off their feet every now and then.

So excuse me if I cry at romantic movies. The tears are not just about the story that is so beautiful, but also realising that in reality, most women will never experience such lifelong romance.

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