Monday, February 7, 2011

Two hands not enough

Seriously - how many of you out there sometimes wish God had created women with more than two hands? Come to think of it, two of ME would have been fantastic!

There are just so many days that I feel I can't do everything that my brain has lined up in my head and I so wish I could split myself in two. Everyone always talks of delegation, but c'mon - who can really ask a 10 year old to go and fetch clothes in the baskets upstairs, sort them and then put them in the washer whilst I am prepping dinner? Or even worse, ask him to chop up the chicken with the butcher's knife while I attend to the laundry? Not gonna happen. Not in my house anyway.

I mean I have heard of ladies who have gone through the effort of training their kids since birth to handle a knife properly or to help clean the toilets, but unfortunately I have always thought that kids should be kept away from anything sharp or has an open fire or can chemically scar them for life. Could have been where I went wrong...

Children are supposedly more capable of doing adult chores than I am letting on. Perhaps it is the power freak in me that has kept me from taking that leap of faith. Whatever it may be, fact is I am stuck managing my inability to delegate chores to my kids and having to stay up till around midnight to get it all done.

And I'm not even talking about the paperwork... Excuse me for a moment. I think I may be needed elsewhere...

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