Monday, January 17, 2011

What makes us truly happy?

I have taken a year off work recently to spend quality time with my family and figure out, at the ripe age of 36, what is it that I really want to achieve in life. Apart from the fact that I believe God has placed me here for a specific purpose, I know that I have not felt that I've been in the right place for a long time. One kinda knows you need to change your situation for you to have a change in mind.

So, here I am. 5 months later. And what have I found? Well, I think there are loads more to discover. However, I have undeniably determined that work is not the sole source of my frustrations.

What truly makes me happy, is to feel that I have control over a situation. It doesn't matter whether it be a fun event like a picnic, or a formal commitment such as volunteer work. If I can plan it and run it the way I have played it out in my mind, I am happy.

But heaven forbid, if the day turns out not to fit with my perfect plan. If I spill coffee on the floor on the way out the door, or if a meeting runs over time, I lose my happy place. Clearly I cannot handle stress. Regardless whether it is self-inflicted or from external factors.

So is there really a way to just laugh about these things? I often think the movie "Anger Management", with all its silliness, was onto something. Perhaps I should also just start chanting "goose-frabbaaaaaa" before I explode.

Laugh? Maybe not quite just yet. But I hope to be able to at least lower the blood pressure.

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